What can I access when I login?

a. When you login as an investor on MFC business Connect you will be able to view your dashboard which encompasses previous investments, the updated projects your favored in browse business categories, and you will be able to provide a brief description of your background. b. When you login as a business owner on MFC Business Connect you will be able to provide the pivotal information that investors will view on our website. At any moment you can update and change the information regarding your business.

I am a new visitor to MFC Business Connect. How do I login? How do I register?

Throughout our site you can be redirected to investor/ business owner registration tabs. Even more effectively go to the home page and view the column where it mentions Register now. IF you click on this tab, it will ask where you wish to register as a business owner or investor. Once the application is filled out and submitted our staff will be alerted and reach out to you shortly for final confirmation.

I forgot my username. How do I obtain it?

There is a section under login for either business owner or investor. In this tab if you scroll all the way down you will find a Forgot your Username?” button. If you click on this there will be a set of instructions helping you recover your credentials.

I forgot my password. How do I obtain it?

There is a section under login for either business owner or investor. In this tab if you scroll all the way down you will find a “Forgot your Password?” button. If you click on this there will be a set of instructions helping you recover your credentials.

How do I sign up as an investor/business owner?

Currently, you must register separately as a business owner or investor. If you wish to become an investor and are already a registered business owner on MFC; please refer to the requirements for becoming an investor on MFC before applying. If you are an investor and wish to last your business with MFC than submit the registration form of approval.

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A Question?

Learn More

How are the investors vetted to have credible funds?

What is the rate of returns expectancy for investors on the businesses listed with MFC Business Connect?

What is MFC Business Connect allowed to provide in terms of financial and investment advice.

What can I access when I login?

I am a new visitor to MFC Business Connect. How do I login? How do I register?

I forgot my username. How do I obtain it?

I forgot my password. How do I obtain it?

How do I sign up as an investor/business owner?

How do we address liability concerns for the investor?

What is the minimum/ maximum investment size allowed on the MFC Business Connect platform?

What are the expectations of being an investor with MFC Business Connect?

How are the terms for investment set?

What are the qualifications required to become an investor on MFC Business Connect?

What are the fees associated with becoming a registered investor on MFC Business Connect?

How do we address security concerns for the business owner?

If I have already received outside funding for my business, can I still use MFC Business Connect services?

How long does it typically take for a business to receive a capital investment?

How are the terms for investment set?

What are the fees associated with becoming a business owner on the MFC Business Connect website?